This earnest little boy mannequin is trying very hard to be cheek-squeezably adorable. Look at the way he cocks his head, aims those eyes (blue as a Nebraskan sky) at you, and opens his mouth as if to ask, "Gee willipers, aren't I the cutest lil' corn-fed runt you've ever seen?" But he only manages to look like a creepy homicidal extra from Children of the Corn. Praise Isaac!
That frazzled hair is not doing him any favours either. It's clearly evidence that playing let's-murder-Outlanders-as-a-sacrifice-to-our-demented-ass-lord in a Wyoming cornfield can wreak absolute havoc on a boy's hairdo.
That frazzled hair is not doing him any favours either. It's clearly evidence that playing let's-murder-Outlanders-as-a-sacrifice-to-our-demented-ass-lord in a Wyoming cornfield can wreak absolute havoc on a boy's hairdo.
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